NFT PROJECT | April 12, 2022

Strongest Gorilla Expertise in NFT projects

A guide to people in stepping forward for their projects, with surprise marketing. A time where people have started wearing advertisements.

What is Guerrilla Marketing

An advertising strategy in which unusual or unconventional interactions, revelations or surprises are in practice by the company, intending to promote a service or product. In a manner of ballyhoo in simple terms publicity. It focuses on low cost unconventional marketing tactics to get maximum results. In this marketing type, multiple eye catching techniques and practices are used to demonstrate direct contact with consumers/customers.

STRONGEST GORILLA - A guide for NFT project’s development, marketing and management

Strongest Gorilla is a platform where you can find expertise for your NFT project. When considering a non fungible token ,first comes to mind is its development. Once with an idea of an NFT project, launching it with essential marketing strategies and plans is the utmost factor. Strongest Gorilla aids from planning to procurement, with end to end guidance. Setting up the promotional plan, with project development strategies and leading to promotion and marketing. Including management of the project, by our expertise and implementation of the plan by the trending market research. Strongest Gorilla carries out a well versed research methodology for all the NFT projects. Especially for development or ideas to the sellouts. Indulging various marketing and advertising techniques which are quite trendy for the promotion of the business. Such as guerilla marketing, Buzz marketing, projection advertising etc. Grassroots and growth hacking methods are in trend with marketing NFT projects preferably than the traditional advertising.

Ways Strongest Gorilla Marketing can led to growth of projects and business

  • Product or service can be advertised, in a way with minimal words.
  • Picking out the service facility your brand provides and a solution to any problem offered by your company and finding something unconventional, which is not the usual way to broadcast it to people, maybe without use of words.
  • Using social channels, maybe a link for selling your tickets, using interruptive techniques till it enchants crowds.
  • Earning attention of the audience using incentives may be for your pop up events.
  • Making those things interactive and unexpected to surprise your audience, through which they pass by everyday.
  • Creating some accidental form of human interaction, that jog’s the viewer about what the product does.
  • Human interaction is a part of a campaign, without addressing the issue, particulars or what your service does or product can be used for.
  • Thinking about digital platforms, where your targeted audience exists. Guerilla marketing has been digital. Using creativity, method of commenting for people’s interaction and fun with marketing.
  • Using an impactful way, which leads to convey and interaction of crowds. Maybe telling consequences. Thinking out of the box can delight the crowd.
  • Creating ideas which are not common, or usual. Your Silliest idea might work magic. Focus on the public you want to target, as per the product or service you provide. And the way you want it to be, preferably fun, or a simple advertisement in an impactful, impressive way.
  • Don’t always focus on events for your brand to be promoted. It can stand out with a strategic marketing plan.
  • What your brand means to them. Using sentimental, or as being human nature, emotional ways can be acquired in guerrilla marketing.

Advertising and Marketing NFT projects

NFT are on ardent current. Digital assets which live on blockchain, owners of NFTs can show their ownership using wallets or private keys. NFT projects are small startups, to create, maintain, launch and market NFT projects team unites and works together.

Team needs Artist, developer for generative and programmable NFTs, marketers ,general managers and community managers. Launching NFT on the marketplace and constructing business on top, over the other is a hustling practice. Many projects engage developers for conduction of their initial sales, i.e. mint and provide exclusive featurings.

Promoting the name of the NFT, marketers know the best avenues to advertise and promote their NFT project. Some popular Tools are Twitter, Discord and project Websites.

Focus on marketing NFT projects includes NFT mints and the occuring promotions of the project.

NFT mints- During the initial sale there is first influx of the project. Mint price is set and consumers are allowed to deposit cryptocurrencies in the wallet, in exchange of the NFT. At this stage NFT projects lead to promote their creation at large to the viewers. This helps to create a bit of fear in audiences as mint leads to gaining a large following for the sell out, and scarcity for the price.

Other methods include community promotion on social media, twitter, discord etc. Building project awareness, mint and where will we get to see the banners, videos, ads related to NFT projects. Projects could use advertising for mint awareness and brand promotion by Guerrilla marketing, on various ad platforms. Prior advertising should be noted for targeted audiences; Like speculators and collectors; few people are interested in the concept of NFTs and desire to collect them as they think it is cool, called flippers.They earn revenue from collectors. Speculators try to know about the projects from the advertisements.

Few are listed spaces where NFT marketing can be corporated

  • NFT Agencies
  • NFT participations
  • Ad platforms

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People Comments

Mark Robbinvt

June 19, 2019

Very interesitng article. I must say your insights munc rhoncus felis eget nulla aliquet id fermentum est ucibus estibulum mcorper hendrerit.


Jack William

June 19, 2019

Couldn’t agree more Mark. It’s a must read for someone looking to understand the whole process.


Mark Robbin

June 19, 2019

Very interesitng article. I must say your insights munc rhoncus felis eget nulla aliquet id fermentum est ucibus estibulum mcorper hendrerit.


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